venerdì 24 febbraio 2012

Il re Carlo Gustavo ha annunciato il nome della nuova principessa (VIDEO)

Annuncio del re agli svedesi: Video

La principessa Vittoria di Svezia e il consorte Daniel hanno deciso di chiamare Estelle, stella, la loro prima figlia, venuta alla luce giovedi' all'ospedale Karolinska di Stoccolma. La piccola, il cui nome per esteso e' Estelle Silvia Ewa Maria, e' la futura erede al trono, in quanto seconda nella linea di successione della Casa Reale.
Alla neonata e' stato anche conferito il titolo di Duchessa di Oestergoetland, regione che si trova poco a sud della capitale.
Il nome Silvia e' un omaggio alla nonna, la regina Silvia, mentre Ewa e' stato scelto per via della madre del principe Daniel, che porta questo nome. In onore della piccola principessa si e' tenuta stamane un cerimonia a palazzo Haga, residenza di Vittoria e Daniel, a cui hanno preso parte il premier, Fredrik Reinfeldt, il presidente del Parlamento, Per Westerberg, e il Maresciallo del Reame, Svante Lindqvis. In giornata e' previsto anche un Te Deum nella cappella del Palazzo reale di Stoccolma, a cui parteciperanno membri del governo e della famiglia reale.

Two days after giving birth to her daughter, Princess Victoria has shared her name.
The new arrival is called Estelle Silvia Eva Mary, and will be known as Stella within the family. Silvia is after her maternal grandmother, while Eva comes from Prince Daniel's mother.
In keeping with tradition, King Carl Gustav announced the news at a meeting of the Cabinet Council.
The proud grandfather also also spoke of his first visit to see the new arrival. "She was very cute and did all the right things. It was a happy moment for the whole family".
Earlier, at Haga Palace the baby was formally presented to the prime minister, the speaker of Parliament and the Marshall of the Realm, who is the chief officer of the royal household.
The Mistress of Robes, the most senior lady-in-waiting, had the honour of lifting up the child for officials to see.
The previous day, the king and queen shared their joy with the nation.
"We remember ourselves how happy we were to become parents and we wish the new family a wonderful period of peace and quiet," they said in a statement.
"This is a much longed-for grandchild and we're both very proud and happy today".
And Daniel's parents, Olle and Eva Westling, echoed their sentiments.
"We feel great happiness today when our Daniel and our Victoria became parents. We wish them all the best with their new family member and we're going to support and help them as grandparents".

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